2 . Heavier child is born into the world in 1954 by Carmelina Italian, Fdele from Aversa . Her son 's birth day weighed 10.2 kg .
3 . Beethoven wrote music before you introduce your head in the water. Anjshtanji up to 9 years of age did not speak normally .
4 . The only monkey who is convicted by a court of chimpanzee Coco is true in Florida , in 1984 . This monkey was living with unemployed artist , who gave small shows . The amount of stolen reach values 200 000 USD . He was sentenced to life imprisonment .
5 . The book holds the record for the biggest sale is one of Hillary Clinton's autobiography book " History of experiencing " . On the first day of launch of this book , in June 2003 , were sold in one day ( record ) 200 000 copies of it .
6 . The most common surname in the world in international rank is surname Chang . About 75 million people in China have this surname . Second place has surname Smith in England . Some 800 000 people have this surname .
7 . The largest casino in the world is MGM - HOTEL , in the metropolis of Las Vegas . In an area approximately 16 000 meter quad , found almost 3,500 different gaming machines and 165 table games.
8 . The largest library in the world located in the U.S. capital Washington . This library was built on 24 April 1800 . 107m found in the writings of all the arts .
9 . The only elephant in the world that speaks a member of a Russian circus . This elephant can mean up to 20 keywords . The elephant has lived since childhood between people and people managed to articulate sounds .
10 . The shortest man in the world is Gul Mohammed from India . After measurements made on June 19, 1990 in hospital " Rahm Manohar " New Delphi ( In) , was reached that it is only 57 cm and holds the record date .
11 . As a small woman in the world to date is considered musters Pauline , born on November 26, 1876 in the Netherlands . After her birth , she was only 30 cm . At the age of 9 years old, she was only 55 cm and weighed 1.5 kg , while at age 19 it reached only 61 cm long .
12 . State that consumes more bread in the world is Turkey . Calculations show that the average person use any bread totaling 199.6 kg .
13 . Drunks more numerous in the world are in Ireland . Each person belongs to an average of 12.3 liter drink liquor , wine , beer etc. .
14 . Smokers are more numerous in China . According to recent calculations , in China sold 1.69 billion cigarettes (more than in any other country ) . Sold worldwide, 5.5 billion cigarettes .
15 . Operation longest in the world lasted 96 hours total . Launched on 4 to February 8 , 1951 , in a Chicago hospital . Lewandowski Getrude patient after operation had reduced her weight during these 96 hours , from 280 kg to 140 kg .
16 . Record length for women to maintain Zeng Jinlian from China . It has already died , but the record is not broken yet. It was 2 meter and 48 cm . ( He died on February 13, 1982 ) .
17 . Record for women with heavier weight keeps American to Rosalie Bradford . In January 1987, she reached the peak and its weight , with 544 kg .
18 . Youngest doctor in the world is Balamurali Ambati , born in America on June 29, 1977 . He graduated from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City , on 19 May 1995, at age 17 .
19 . Gemini worst in the world are brothers Billy Leon , (born in 1946 and died in 1979 ) with his brother Benny Lloyd , was born in 1946 and died in 2001 . They weighed after 6 years of age , and the other one 337 kg 328 kg .
20 . As the oldest mother in the world so far held Rossana dalla Corte , was born on 18 June 1994, at the age of 63 , a boy .
21 . According to recent research , a man spends an average of 3350 hours throughout his life saved by being shaved .
22 . When several pieces of broken glass scattered a speed 3,000 miles per hour . While the speed of the others is much smaller .
23 . The largest iceberg measured to date was 200 miles long and 60 miles wide , it has been an area larger than Belgium .
24 . The largest wave recorded to date was in 1971 on the island IShigaki , Japan , height 85 m .
25 . On a clear night , according to the American astrologers , everyone can see no less than about 2000 stars with the naked eye .
26 . Only female mosquitoes bite , while male sex repellent want to " been going " in polluted areas such as marshes , etc. .
27 . In 1 kg lemon has more sugar than 1 kg of strawberries . According to diet experts , it is better to consume lemon squeezed into the water .
28 . State with more paved roads all over the world are thought to be France . And this is also listed in the Guinness records .
29 . An eagle can see its prey 3000 meters away , while the horses can stay for up to 1 foot .
30 . It is proved that any person can not sneeze without closing his eyes . Scientists have done experiments on this and have concluded that it is impossible .
31 . From inside the 20 -year-old girl from South Devoni , England , was issued " ball " of hair from her hair which had swallowed . It was heavy 2.5 kg . The operation was conducted in March 1985.
32 . Modern computers are built based on the nervous system , but also modern computer does not even approach the level of a zvarritësi .
33 . A grown man breathes approximately 25 000 times a day . But about 27 % of food in developing countries ends in garbage .
34 . It is proved that the possibility of falling lightning is 1 in 600,000 . When it happens to all people should not have to iron things in hand .
35 . Honey can stand without breaking 3000 years and therefore honey wax used to process mumjazimit .
36 . Video games make kids fat and aggressive , while using the computer too was very often harms them calm nerve .
37 . Housewives virtually betray men . They are satisfied with their physical activity and seek out " friend " of spiritual satisfaction internet .
38 . Record of marriage has broken a 85 -year-old , who is married full 130 times . The event took place in Kenya , where Ancentus Akuku stated that more can and should dictatorship to family happy .
39 . An American spent a week in jail because of his three young children were burned by the sun during the holidays at the beach .
40 . Building of the White House in America began in 1792 . In 1800 President and Mrs. John Adams were the first family that lived there .
41 . Tears discovered that the effect is to eliminate bacteria and protect eyes from infection .
42 . In human language are 100 types seam to enjoy . At 130 million cells are eye sight .
43 . Crocodile is the only animal that continues the extended until the last day of existence , its centimeters vary from month to month .
44 . Titanic ship is considered as the first giant ship in the world . Capacity was 46,000 tons, with a length of 268 m and 53 m height . 1343 passengers can travel .
45 . The longest song in the world of music kept the Soviet anthem , composed of 65 verses. In May 1987 , a Canadian moderator thought to increase the anthem , which came within weeks record in 689 verses.
46 . From a biliary operation made to a patient in London , surgeons removed about 230 530 small stones from his spleen size 1.5 to 15 millimeters .
47 . The brain oldest in the world is found by archaeologists in Torfmoor in Florida . It found the brain of a 45 - year-old who had lived approximately 8000 years ago .
48 . The longest poem in the world was completed after 30 years of work by writer Jose ' Rumanzo from Ecuador . " Peru " consists of seven volumes , with a total of 5000 pages and 230 000 lines .
49 . An ostrich 's eye is bigger than its brain , while the brain of cats has more than 32 muscles .
50 . It is proved that an adult bear can run as fast as a horse . While turtles can walk 10 km per hour