If the brain is not functioning at the level optimial , you will become a slow and sleepy . Have your brain cells need two times more energy than your entire body . Generally speaking , the best source of brain fuel are carbohydrates .
By offering your truit the right foods can make changes from renduarit until the end of the day and to work as well .
Blueberries :
Blueberries are probably the most prominent of the foods that increase the body's functioning . After several studies which have been done in terms of blueberries brain have concluded that blueberries reduce -risk opportunity for development and are extremely positive effects on the human brain .
This may seem like nothing to do nothing as good food for your brain or you can have good effects on brain function , but helps a lot in the bloodstream . Your brain like any other organ in the human body needs blood circulation .
Fish in Oil
One of the most cited chemicals and frequent em to increase brain function omega 3 to trashurit dagger acid . Membramen cells in your brain are partly generated by the acid thickens , and these are necessary for membrane signals . Which people eat more foods containing omega 4 and have less risk of stroke and dementia.
Although tomatoes are used as food more often you would not be aware . Tomatoes help prevent dementia in people . Tomatoes contain an antioxidant , which helps the brain to be protected from any radical damage
Walnuts , hazelnuts
Besides that produce the necessary fat , walnuts and hazelnuts contain vitamin E - which results as the link for improving memory .
Reason when you wake up in the morning and use the coffee , because caffeine is so merramendese improves your concentration . But the problem for the use of coffee is that the effect does not stand much longer.
Help your brain almost in the same manner as all the seeds , which enables setting diminishing cholesterol blood circulation .