1 . If you have tendency to be dramatic , contact your producer or manager of a show and Suggest your girlfriend in the last moments before the show ends . Make sure also that the public please proposal .
2 . Book a full page advertisement in the daily newspaper , which reads your future wife . This will be a stunning surprise , that she will never forget .
3 . Pay a cartoonist in the street make you both a portrait . In your picture and write up a proposal for the wedding of her own assertion .
4 . Go to a large aquarium and routine screening is done with dolphins and fish , divers adjust to make your surprise . Earlier prepare handwritten text and when you and your girlfriend are going to be seen in the aquarium , a diver to approach the glass and submit the proposal .
5 . If your girlfriend is a type of adventure , your proposal should be. Along with the start of a treasure hunt . Begin with light input at home . Continue with the mysteries of tiny points in your favorite city to the final destination and find the treasure of your future marriage .
6 . In an evening dance and feast , ask the DJ or band leader to give you the opportunity of speaking into the microphone for a few moments or sing a song , and then make a proposal on the dance track .
7 . Hire a flier in the sky proposal writing , preferably with the name of the girlfriend , not to create misunderstandings .
8 . If you plan to make a trip by plane , use stewardess notification system to make your declaration of love .
9 . Your marriage proposal appear in an ad created by local theater . Make sure you are on time to occurrence of view.
10 . Create a party with all your friends and family . Give them to wear a shirt that written by a special character . At a certain moment together and add them together they formed the proposal would " want to marry me ? "
11. For a simple surprise, after your girlfriend sleep, replace the ring that she wears everyday jewelery box with engagement ring in the morning when you wake up will remain shocked.
12. Write a love letter with marriage proposal at the end. ADD in her favorite book or read what is currently and at the time when it detect note, kindly enter the ring.
13. Turn off all your lights and create a flat track candle, which lead to a circuit, where a ring.
14.If you are sure that her answer will be positive, put the ring on her finger during sleep and wake with champagne and strawberries. Initially would seem romantic gesture, but when she sees the ring things will become serious.
15. Connect through your home a red ribbon. In every part of her beautiful memories paste your connection. At the end of the ring ribon you stay in hands.
16 . Enter your declaration of love and marriage proposal and cast him in iphone of your girlfriend . At the moment when it will open it for listening to music , will also hear your proposal .
17 . Film proposal that will make your human heart and upload it to YouTube . Gather together to see " a movie " and show it to your online .
18 . Take the camera and go to her favorite places of your girlfriend . Make sure you have a friend with you , so that you photograph , holding up your proposal . Then enter the camera and ask girlfriend to throw the computer photos , it will surely see .
19 . Another great way is through messaging proposal . Write messages to your girlfriend that will guide him to come to you , along roads that it does not recognize . In the final moment , you will discover on his knees .
20 . Create a web site where you express your love and intentions girlfriend . Leave her alone and web address after formally accepted the proposal , it would be happy to send that page to all my friends and family .
21 . Create a direct connection through the internet where you would propose to his girlfriend and ask your family to follow the online channel .
22 . Note box containing her ring on a piece of cake , that will be your favorite waiter in the restaurant .
23 . In a box of delicious chocolate , among other things also hide your ring , then Give them what girlfriend .
24 . Ask worker pastry shop write around her plate with chocolate proposal " Will you marry me ? " .
25 . Order a cake that your proposal is written . The cake will be displayed in a shop window as you spend with your girlfriend and then sit on my knees to ask it of yours.
26 . You may wish to follow the classical method , insert wedding ring in a champagne glass , or order a drink that is written at the end of your proposal .
27 . Create your own crossword puzzle and be prepared to help them meet the girlfriend while she eats breakfast .
28 . Write phosphor proposal with stars , they stick them on the wall , turn off the light and Lie in bed . In these moments will appear stunning view your most heartfelt words .
29 . With magnets to stick on the fridge usually , create the words you say and just let your girlfriend to reveal .
30 . Log peek at her office desk and write the proposal that you have selected . Stay hidden until you discover it and then Appear .
31 . Ask your girlfriend to try together rings needed to . When you accuse it of break is surprise , then pull the ring of your choice and give it ago .
32 . Playing off the famous " hangman " and the word write " Marry me " .
Proposals autumn and winter
33 . During the Halloween holiday challenge it in a pumpkin carving contest . Write in your pumpkin selected proposal .
34 . Write " Will you marry me ? " At the bottom of a flask and together with girlfriend lift in flight , until it detects them your proposal .
36 . Ask your friends to organize a delicious picnic in the park . Exit along with a girlfriend for a walk and behave in a way that surprises at picnic prepared .
36 . Write your marriage proposal of her car window , on a crisp day and the snow when there are clearly the words you have written .
Proposal spring and summer
37 . Express your love and purpose for marriage in a garden with flowers when everything is booming .
38 . Involve your family in your holiday barbecue and plan something special for how shall ask permission to marry .
39 . Go to the beach and build a castle of sand. Put the ring on the highest tower , then ask your girlfriend to see your work .
40 . The night before you go to the beach , write a poem or a few words hearted , turn the manner of ancient letters , insert the bottle and cover it with sand on the shore . Make sure that the next day , your girlfriend to get the message in the bottle and do not forget you are carrying rings .
Separate proposal
41 . If you have artistic skills and you like to do special things , use your tools to make an ideal proposal . For example , if you are a sculptor create a separate box or art work , where to insert wedding ring .
42 . Buy animal that it has always had ( a rabbit , a cat or a dog ) and tie together with a ribbon around the neck ring .
43 . Along with girlfriend go to a special place to put your own treasure that will carry your belongings . Tell her that you want to open this treasure years later and it has no meaning unless it is inside the picture of your engagement, so make a picture by proposing and putting ring .
44 . Rent a motorcycle , and invite your girlfriend for a walk . In the engine helmet , let 's proposal ring and when you finish the words of love , take a walk around town to celebrate .
45 . Meet for a drink at the bar of a luxury hotel . When the right time comes , incidentally remind you order a room there . When you open the hotel room door , will you put on the roses , candles and champagne , a proposal will be very surprising .
Simple Suggestions
46 .Make a list of ten reasons why you want to marry your girlfriend. Read it in front of a crowd of people or upload certain people who give her one by one and all together Give them the ring itself
47 . Find a large refrigerator box and wrap with ribbon to look like a gift box . Get inside and appear himself with the inscription " A gift that will have them for life ." Then let your girlfriend nice surprise reveal .
48 . ADD wedding ring in a cereal box , and be aware that it detect it while preparing breakfast .
49 . Create a similar scene of her favorite film . Wear appropriate clothing that most approaches protagonist of the film and let the show begin . For example, you can create scene last known film ' Pretty Woman ' , rent a limousine and get her an upper window with a bouquet , declaring your love .
50 . Park your car in front of her house and large speakers pick her favorite song and make your proposal fantastic .
Errors to Avoid
First of all you should consider the fundamental importance that marriage proposal , to have to pay more attention to detail . Here are some mistakes that should not be done during marriage proposal .
1 . To propose without the ring . Declaration of love has its essential importance , but it rings that seal is to say everything . For this reason make the mistake of looking for marriage without ring , because a woman never calls legitimate requests. Add here that it is the desire to show them the good news to all friends and family .
2 . To propose soon . If your girlfriend has everything you 're looking for , then do your time , give it time , to have determination in the final minute . If you act quickly , it will respond to the need to think about your proposal and it is not a good thing.
3 . Proposal to the public . It is clear that when the lovers are looking for all the world to know about your feelings . On the other hand there is the girlfriend who did not like to make public feelings or feel uncomfortable in a crowded environment , to heed .
4 . To tell anyone . This is another mistake you should avoid , because you never know which of many people who have shown , can inadvertently slip a word . If you do not want to ruin surprise , make it possible for the less people know .